Words by Maurice Rolka: This weekend was different! And not just because we were lucky enough to host two test...
Salomon snowboards
Words by Maurice Rolka: From the summer feeling straight back onto the board? There are summers after which the new...
Last Saturday, 24th of February, we did another BINGO at one of the most famous Snowparks in Austria, at Penken...
Better late than never, we want to announce the winners of our last go-shred lottery supported by Salomon Snowboards, who...
We welcome you to another Winter Season. Let’s start the season 24/25 right! We want to invite you to visit...
Better late than never … Do you remember the Salomon Snowboards TESTS we did last year at the beginning of...
TOGETHER & SAFE to the SPOT. Due to COVID19, we recommend, like in the public transport to wear face masks to...
2 DEMO events left for this year: You can test the new Salomon Snowboards products, boards and bindings. The following...
Probably the biggest public snowboard test on the german speaking market will take place at Stubaital glacier. Let’s mark the...
We’re not only pushing the SHRED from this season on, we’re although officially pushing Salomon Snowboards aswell. We want to...
Saturday, 11th of March we started our event season in Damüls. It feels like coming home! We’re running our GAME in...
Words by Maurice Rolka: We all prayed for it and it finally happened in time for the Stubai Park opening...
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