Another Snowpark, another Salomon Snowboards board test. We arrived Saturday morning, pulled up our installation and started to give boards out to all the hungry shredders. For our 2nd stop, we were pretty impressed how much people tried the boards and came back with a huge smile in their face. Most of the people were hyped of the boards and asked where to get those Salomon beauties.

Our favorite Salomon Snowboards dealer in this area is for sure the traditional family owned wintersport goods retailer, Sport Harry’s. If you don’t know this shop till now, you better check it out. Responsible for the snowboard department is Sammy, son of Harry the founder of this Shop.

Sammy himself is a passionate shredder, grown up in the same period as the worlds best-known shred head from Vorarlberg Gigi Rüf. That means if you go to check out Sport Harry’s you can be sure to get served by a real shredder.

We want o say thank you to all our guest who showed up, no matter if you tested boards or you just had a look on the graphics coming next year. This was the last official test for the season but if you couldn’t make it to one of the tests till now, catch us on the glacier openings, beginning of October in Austria.