It’s summer time! I’m dreaming of beaches, waves, sun, sand and surfing. What about you? When is you next surf trip?
Probably all surfers, or better all surf tourists, those who are not living right beside the ocean need to keep they arms in shape to have the necessary power to paddle the waves. That’s what we, together with our friends from Ride In Pleasure wants to do.
Friday, 26th of Juli – 18:00
Friday, 16th of August – 18:00
Friday, 20th of September – 18:00
Baggersee Innsbruck I Entrance west I no entrance fee
We want to invite you to get ready for your next surf trip. It’s kind of simple. Everything goes easier when you have a certain routine …
So, if you want, if you like the idea join us on those 3 dates for getting back your surfing power. We’ll meet at 18:00 at Baggersee Innsbruck, entrance West. No entrance fee at this time of the day!
Please bring your own board and tell your friends what we’re doing. Our surf enthusiast Felix shows you how to prepare yourself with some tips for the right warm up, stretching, board position and so one …
More Info coming soon!