Maisie Hill


Birthday: 12 February 2001

Favourite sports: snowboarding obviously lol

Favourite spot: in an empty spa

Favourite place in the world: it’s 9am on a Tuesday, I walk outside on to my balcony in France, the sun just came up over the mountains, I’ve just made a fat ice coffee with oat milk, I sit on my black leather sofa outside and soak in that morning vitamin D, no worries, just living in the now, life’s good.

3 things your grateful for: my parents, reading and snowboarding cos I dunno what the hell I’d be doing with out it.

Wishes for the future: I wish all the happiness in the world to my family. I wanna watch my best friends achieve all their goals cos they all work so damn hard. And that I become the snowboarder that 13 year old me would look at and be like damn I wanna be like her.

What’s does go shred mean to you: a beautiful community that I’m so blessed to be a part of