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GAME of go-shred I Kaunertal I 06112021

6. November 2021

Saturday, 6th of November 2021 we invite you play the GAME of go-shred with them at Kaunertal Snowpark. A sick setup is waiting for you, tons of goodies, a filmer and a photographer to catch all the action and to conserve it for eternity.

The GAME of go-shred exists since 2010 and is a contest format which is focused on having FUN together while practicing snowboarding. First, they started with the well-known Game of S.K.A.T.E format but step by step they added a few more diciplines. Every dicipline helps to improve the skills and to get a better control. Everybody can take part, no age restrictions, every riding level allowed and no registration fees.

The participants compete in little groups at the different station of diciplines. The GAME is riders judged and based of a responsible commune sense interaction between the riders of the group. At each station the shredders can get a certain amount of points which are added up and make the final re-sults.

Let’s make the magic happen together and get hyped by the power of shredding.


Thank you Snowpark Kaunertal for having us! Thank you for the BIG support Xdouble, Autohaus Dosenberger, Method Snowboard Magazine, Alton Premium Boardstore and our partner since day one VOLCOM.


6. November 2021
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