Spontaneous get-togethers are always the best, so let’s have a party at The Cradle Skatepark on Saturday 2 October. We’re...
Beigetreten3. September 2021
On Saturday SKAID will celebrate their „summer party“ (or rather autumn party) at the 6020 starting at 3 pm. Besides great...
We are pleased to announce that Ralf Kupplack came closest with the guess and is now the proud owner of...
During the last stay of our CEO Martin in Portugal, Johannes, Martin’s brother with FAM MEM Max Zebe discovered the...
Fabian Trojer ist seit 2017 FAMily MEMber bei go-shred. Geboren und aufgewachsen in Innsbruck trifft man ihn nur im seltensten...
Last year, go-shred invested in a piece of land in the south of Portugal, which is part of a nature...
Moritz Amsüss ist 22 Jahre alt und DER Name des österreichischen Snowboard Freestyle Nachwuchses. Wie die Chancen für Olympia stehen...
go-shred Family Member and Spezi LOVER Max Zebe with a classic nose press is always an eye candy. Due to...
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